This summer the Netherlands Space Office together with Groundstation.SPACE launched the Open Calls Network. From June to July we held three webinars on “Climate Neutral and Smart Cities”, “Digital and Industry”, as well as “Safety and Defence”. This fall we will meet again to highlight pre-selected Horizon Europe and other funding calls that are relevant for space and space data applications.
Join ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters’ on 13 September
The ‘Restore our Oceans and Waters’ webinar by the Open Calls Network will take place on Tuesday 13 September 2022, from 16:00 to 17:30 CET. Keynote speaker: Dr Steef Peters, Scientific Director of Water Insight. Dr. Peters will provide you with an introduction to monitoring water quality from space, and how it can assist water authorities, water managers, fish farmers and other stakeholders. He will show examples from EU projects such as CoastObs, EOMORES, e-Shape, TAPAS, and AQUA-USERS, and share his experience as the coordinator for some of these projects.
In our webinar you will have the opportunity to:
– Present your organisation or project in a one-minute pitch
– Learn about the best open funding calls for your organisation
– Meet potential consortium partners.
Register for free using the link:
More upcoming webinars
Adaptation to Climate Change – 27 September
A Farm to Fork + A Soil Deal for Europe – 25 October
Learn more about last webinars
Open Calls Network: Space for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities
Open Calls Network: Space for Digital and Industry
Open Calls Network: Space for Safety and Defence