2022 can be marked as the year of transition.
On 31st of March the last tests were successfully performed to reach a full ESA qualification on the BiSon Sunsensors.
As the MAUS sensor was taken along on that qualification all three sensors are now fully qualified including radiation testing.
During the second quarter shortly after the full ESA qualification some major contracts materialized leading to the transformation of the private company Lens Research & Development into Lens R&D B.V. and associated holding company.
Production has scaled from sets of 25 sensors to sets of 100 sensors and new contracts are expected to lead to a sustainable volume production for the next coming years.
The available facilities have been modernized and upgraded and more upgrades are on their way
Development of the new true digital Sunsensors has been delayed due to heavy loading in the production but the design of the dedicated chip is progressing nicely.
Sensors have been delivered to the ESA PROBA-3 mission, the ESA/SSTL Lunar pathfinder mission and the CNES/DLR MMX rover among others but for the first time the turnover outside of Euro exceeded the turnover in Europe and commercial turnover exceeded development spending.
All in all an excellent year that hopefully marks the start of a steady and sustainable company that will serve the high reliability space market for many years to come.