For the 1st time, The Netherlands will have a booth at the NSS 2023 in Colorado Springs. We will be present with many Dutch organisations and other stakeholders, who will be give a fantastic platfom to position the Dutch space sector on the US market!

Our presence in Colorado Springs is part of the Partners for International Business (PIB) program ‘Netherlands industries for cooperation with US space industry’. This public-private partnership is effective in promoting the commercial interests in the USA of the participation companies and knowledge institutions for the next 3 years!

The public-private partnership in the form of a Partners for International Business (PIB) program called ‘Netherlands industries for cooperation with US space industry’ is a collaboration between the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, the Ministry of Defence, the Netherlands embassy in Washington, the Netherlands consulate general in San Francisco, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), thirteen representatives of the Dutch space sector and the sector organization SpaceNed.

The PIB is still open for organisations to join!

For more information, please send a mail to